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Photo Contest Awards Announce

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Model:Half Sleeping Cordelia




We appreciate your attention to the first photo sharing event! Fairies is awaken from 2006,thank you spend time with Asleep Eidolon. Let’s share your lovely dolls to celebrate Asleep Eidolon’s 13th birthday,and we prepared a lot of prizes for the participants.

Participate Time:2019.08.01-2019.10.10

Voting time:2019.08.01-2019.10.08

Awarding time:2019.10.11


1st Prize:Any Nuke doll*1

2st Prize:Any Non limited Nuke Doll*1

3rd Prize:Any Nuke Head*1

4、5th Prize:Any Non limited Nuke Head*1

Fairy’s choice:Any Nuke doll*1-Asleep Eidolon staff evaluation the best photos.

Fairy’s bliss:$20 coupon*10(By random who postted the event photo)


1.Post your original AE doll's photo(over 3 photos) with model name in Instagram(or Weibo)and use hashtag #AEDOLL13th at the same time @asleepeidolon regarded as successful participation.

2.We will give a number to each participant.

3.We will count number of likes in 2019.10.11 14:00(GMT+8)and dicide who will won the prize.

*Participants agree that we have the right to use the photos in commercial popularizing.Prize are not contain shipping.Cheating will be cancel the award.

Each participant can submit multiple sets of photos.We only count the set you get highest number of likes .One participant receive only one award at most.

Winner will be announced within 7 working days.Prize preparation period is 2-3 months.The coupon are valid for six months.

Please follow our Instagram @asleepeidolon

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